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Tourist development and marketing of the Saxon World Heritage Site Muskauer Park

Oberlausitz B2B
Tourist development and marketing of the Saxon World Heritage Site Muskauer Park Project information and tenders.

Tourist development and marketing of the Saxon World Heritage Site Muskauer Park

Project information and tenders.

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Information on the project

The project

The project focuses on the largest English-style landscape park in Central Europe and its creator Prince Pückler. But the region is more than just that. Very varied, extraordinary landscapes, some of them UNESCO-certified, merge into one another. The aim is to bring together nature and culture, people and traditions, highlights and insider tips in order to be able to offer tourist products to specific target groups.


The aim of the project

As part of the project, market-relevant travel events and tourist offers are to be developed around Muskauer Park, adjacent cultural landscapes and Pückler's work. The following sub-goals are associated with this:

  • Increase visitor numbers and bookings
  • Increase the quality of the offer and stay
  • Extend the length of stay
  • Highlight and communicate the significance of a world heritage site
  • Awaken potential for identification
  • Integrate quality and cross-cutting issues (sustainability, accessibility)
  • Create sustainable networks between stakeholders

Project results 2021/2022

  • Development of the brand essence and an interpretation approach "Lusatia - a moving landscape in transition"
  • Implementation of networking events with a focus on brand essence development and interpretation for Lusatia
  • Development of a concept for effective internal and external marketing
  • Implementation of a cross-media marketing campaign (including publications in "National Geographic" and "Lausitz Magazin")
  • Identification of suitable "Lusatian ambassadors" and implementation of an image clip and several ambassador clips
  • Development of training modules: Interpretation approach, information brochure for tourism service providers as well as conception and implementation of a one-day seminar in presence for information for tourism service providers
  • Development of the campaign claim: "No coal? - Great heritage!" as part of the external marketing concept
  • Conception and creation of a folding map and image brochure on the Great Heritage
  • Creation of landing pages(
  • Implementation of a tour operator cooperation with the development of six bookable travel programs for individual and group travelers
  • Social media campaign via Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Google Ads

Project results 2023

  • Continuation and consolidation of the interpretation "Lusatia - a changing landscape" as the basis for the following educational modules
  • Implementation of a two-day UNESCO excursion for tourism experts and stakeholders
  • Conception of a film camp on the changing landscape in motion, to be implemented in 2024
  • Internationalization "Poland": Establishing important contacts for future project implementation on the Polish market
  • Implementation of a blogger trip
  • Coordination of work plans with parallel project "UNESCO 5"
  • Participation in the GNTB online campaign in Austria and in various publications (Lausitz Magazin, ZEIT Kultursommer)
  • New edition and distribution of the folding map

Planned results in the 2024 project

The follow-up project runs up to and including 31.12.2024.

The MGO is responsible for achieving the project objectives. Content support is provided by the project partners.

The following project goals are planned for 2024

  • Creation of two explanatory videos
  • Development and sustainable establishment of a training format
  • Creation of virtual experience and route guides and virtual rangers
  • Implementation of workshops and network meetings
  • Implementation of a film camp
  • "Young tour guides" campaign in collaboration with technical colleges and universities
  • Further development of content with ambassadors of Lusatia and creation of target group-specific photo material
  • Public relations/PR
  • Implementation of campaign formats
  • Design of new event formats


Introduction to the interpretation of nature and culture

In this presentation, Mr. Ludwig explains what cultural and natural interpretation is and what it can look like.

"Lusatia - A changing landscape in motion" with reference to the UNESCO sites

Claudia Grünberg explains the significance of the interpretation strategy for Lusatia under the heading "Moving landscape in transition".

  • Strategie hloubkové interpretace 2023Deepening the content of the interpretation strategy by Sebastian Zoepp and Claudia Grünberg. Development of four narratives/stories for the region and naming of specific POIs.255 KB


The Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH (MGO) publishes tenders for individual projects within the framework of the project here. These are exclusively invitations to tender issued by the MGO.

Suppliers who can and would like to submit bids are cordially invited to do so.

Get rid of questions or suggestions.

Do you have any questions about the project, content or general comments? Then don't hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to answer your questions and  comments and help you further.

Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

Humboldtstr. 25, 02625 Bautzen

Contact: Sophie Nücklich
Project Manager Tourism Marketing
Phone: +49 (3591) 4877-19

Contact: Darleen Nebelung
Project Manager Tourism Marketing
Phone: +49 (3591) 4877-21

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon state parliament.

© 2024 Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

With the partnership support of the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.