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Online bookability of accommodation

Oberlausitz B2B
Online bookability for accommodation An offer from the Saxon tourism promoters

Online bookability for accommodation

An offer from the Saxon tourism promoters

View over Upper Lusatia © TMGS | Thorsten Günthert | Ö Grafik

Half of all vacation trips are booked online!

Make your offer bookable online ...

More than half of all vacation trips are now booked online. The trend towards online bookings is continuing. Relaxation is now also noticeable in tourism and potential guests are increasingly planning their vacations. Accommodation in particular is almost exclusively booked online. We would like to inform and support you so that your offer is also visible online in the common booking portals and can be booked online. If you are easier to find online, your occupancy rate will increase!

... benefit from the regional and Saxon sales network ...

With the Feratel Deskline® booking software , the state of Saxony offers a state solution for the online bookability of accommodation . Via the Feratel WebClient, an online maintenance tool especially for service providers, you can maintain and view availability, prices and general data on your accommodation on a daily basis. Benefit from the Saxon distribution network with your online bookable accommodation offers. 

... use professional know-how for your presentation!

In cooperation with Online Buchung Service GmbH (OBS) - a company that provides professional support for hosts - we are following the state solution together with the Westlausitz, Oberlausitzer Bergland, Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft | Bautzen and Neisseland tourist boards (TGG). OBS already supports more than 40 tourist regions, towns and villages in German-speaking countries in the creation and further development of online bookability. 

You can find free webinars here. 

... and find out more from our regional partners!

Together with the tourist area communities (TGG) Westlausitz, Oberlausitzer Bergland, Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft | Bautzen and Neisseland, we have decided to follow the regional solution . Please contact your TGG to find out about the various offers in Upper Lusatia. 

Here you will find your contact person

Information to download and read

The most important information on the topic of "online bookability" at a glance

Do you have any questions for us?

Do you have any questions about online booking, registration or general comments? Then don't hesitate to contact us - we are happy to answer your questions and  comments and will be happy to help you.


Do you have any questions for OBS?

Our OBS contacts, Christina Stöhr and Anna-Lena Fischer, will be happy to help you by telephone on 0941 - 46 37 48 49 or by e-mail:

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© 2024 Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

With the partnership support of the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.