The platform and its contents briefly explained

Destination strategy
The destination strategy is the joint strategy of the MGO and the Tourism Advisory Board for the tourism development and marketing of Upper Lusatia. It is integrated into the tourism strategy of the Free State of Saxony and ensures not only the recognition of Upper Lusatia as an official destination by the Free State, but also a common focus and measurability of the work. The strategy has been officially confirmed by the responsible state ministry.

Marketing plan
The management and marketing plan - or "marketing plan" for short - summarizes the main marketing activities and projects of the tourism stakeholders and serves as a calling card for regional external marketing.
The marketing plan is updated daily and always provides up-to-date information on current projects and initiatives:

Planning grid
The planning grid serves as a working basis for the marketing planning of tourism stakeholders in DMOs, LTOs, municipalities and service providers. It was developed in 2018 and digitized in 2019.
In addition to tourism service providers, it is also aimed at industry-related and non-industry-related companies with participation offers.

Contact person
Tourist service providers, municipalities and cities have contacts at various levels with different competencies, responsibilities and areas of competence.
A list provides orientation and helps you to find the right contact person.
Your contacts at Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH