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Oberlausitz B2B
Upper Lusatia. The brand. Going one step further together.

Upper Lusatia. The brand.

Going one step further together.

Upper Lusatia brand © Ö Graphic

The contents briefly explained


The "oberlausitz." brand was developed in a long, intensive branding process together with tourism stakeholders in Upper Lusatia in 2016.

It conveys the identity, characteristics, emotions and feelings of Upper Lusatia, and graphically emphasizes them. It is now used not only in tourism marketing and campaigns, but also in the reputation of companies.

Brand family

The "oberlausitz." brand family is supported by target group and topic-specific sub-brands. The sub-brands are characterized by unmistakable, emotionally charged and powerful flagship products . They present thematic unique selling points, are highly relevant to travelers and provide service providers with orientation for product development.

Brand use

The intensive use and application of the umbrella brand by many partners is a fundamental and essential prerequisite for establishing and strengthening the Oberlausitz brand. We would like to see the brand used by tourism businesses, institutions and hosts, but also by our municipalities and companies. The use of the brand is based on the degree of tourism use, which is shown in the usage pyramid.

Values and philosophy of the brand

Characterized by the region's long history, Upper Lusatia stands out in particular for its great scenic diversity, its cultural heritage with traditions and customs and a wide range of attractions and experiences. The brand "oberlausitz." bundles this diversity on the one hand and embodies it on the other. It stands for richness, attractiveness and quality. It has a positive effect on both the image of the region and the creation of identity among the regional population.

Brand characteristics

The "oberlausitz." brand is a word/figurative mark characterized by the following features:

  • Clarity | through simple and reduced forms
  • Distinctiveness  through the font and the liquid design
  • Functionality | >> through a broad color spectrum and the absence of figurative elements
  • Applicability | >> through good combinability with other trademarks and graphic elements

The placement of the brand and its sub-brands is complemented by the "landscape" style element, which unites the brand characteristics as well as the brand itself. It is used for print products, advertisements, websites or reputation elements.

Brand family

The umbrella brand "oberlausitz." is underpinned by theme-specific sub-brands that give the various product lines a visually appealing brand face and differentiate them from one another: Landschaftswunderland, Kinderabenteuerland and Kulturentdeckerland.

In addition, both lead products and potential themes have been formulated, which we believe have the greatest chance of success in national and international competition due to their potential and which are therefore the focus of our marketing efforts.

Brand essence

Due to historical, cultural, political and geographical circumstances, our guests, but also we Upper Lusatians ourselves, still feel barriers and borders in many areas of society and tourism. Our vision is to overcome these boundaries at all levels, in all areas and for all people. This is exactly where we see the brand essence of Upper Lusatia, and we all fit into this theme - from the themed cycle path to the UNESCO World Heritage Site or our living traditions. For the coming decades, we will be committed to this vision, regardless of the zeitgeist. This means, among other things, that we will always base our joint activities on these visionary ideas and incorporate them into our projects.

Brand use

The intensive use and application of the umbrella brand by many partners is a fundamental and essential prerequisite for establishing and strengthening the Oberlausitz brand. We would like to see this active engagement and ultimate use of the Oberlausitz brand by tourism businesses, institutions and hosts, but also by our municipalities and companies. In order to facilitate the integration of the brand in the respective company and association reputations at and at the same time avoid errors, a few rules and tips must be observed. 

  • Poslání značky Horní Lužice 2020/2021Značka Oberlausitz má být přenášena dále do světa a všichni aktéři cestovního ruchu jsou vyzváni, aby se aktivně podíleli na jejím utváření. Aktuální prohlášení o poslání značky si můžete stáhnout zde.

Become a brand partner.

Would you like to become a brand partner or integrate the "oberlausitz." brand into your publication or website and thus make an important contribution to the joint brand development, strengthening and image enhancement of the Oberlausitz region? Then don't hesitate to contact us - we are happy to answer your questions and  comments and will be happy to help you.

Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

Humboldtstr. 25, 02625 Bautzen
+49 (3591) 4877-0
+49 (3591) 4877-48 

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© 2024 Marketing-Gesellschaft Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

With the partnership support of the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.